Golden 1000 Day’s Awareness Program
The health and nutrition situation of women and children in Nepal is far from satisfactory. The Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP) has revealed that the nutrition situation especially among young children under two years of age is quite poor, with profound, lifelong and irreversible consequences on their survival, growth and development. Malnutrition rates in Nepal are among the highest in the world about 29% of the children are stunted (chronic malnutrition), 27 percent are underweight and 5% of them are wasted (acute malnutrition). The prevalence of stunting in the hills and mountains of the mid- and far-western regions is extreme, with rates above 60 percent. Micronutrient deficiencies are also widespread; in particular, 46 percent of children 6-59 months, 35 percent of women of reproductive age and 48 percent of pregnant women are anaemic. The 1,000 days between a woman’s pregnancy and her child’s second birthday (i.e 9X30+2X365= 270+730 =1000days) offer a unique window of opportunity to shape healthier and more prosperous future. The right nutrition and care during this 1,000 day window can have a profound impact on a child’s ability to grow, learn, and rise out of poverty. It can also shape a society’s long-term health, stability and prosperity.
Why Golden 1000 Days Awareness Program?
According to the World Bank, GDP lost due to malnutrition can be as high as 2-3 percent. Malnutrition slows economic growth and perpetuates poverty through direct losses in productivity from poor physical status, and indirect losses from poor cognitive function, and increased health costs. The damage that might occur due to inadequate nutrition during this period is extensive and largely irreversible. Together with the rest of South Asia, Nepal has made good progress in other human development indicators such as school enrolments, gender parity in school participation, immunization coverage, infant and under five mortality rates, and fertility rates. However, when it comes to nutrition, all the countries in the region, including Nepal, have fallen behind. The Golden 1000 Days awareness program seeks to increase awareness about the importance of the first 1000 days in a child’s life, ultimately reducing the maternal and child mortality through improved health and nutritional status of adolescents, pregnant and lactating women as well as young children that will accelerate the reduction of maternal and child under-nutrition, as measured by anemia among pregnant women, low birth rate and young child stunting.Scientifically proven that 80 percent mental develop within 1000 days i.e 30 percent during pregnancy, 25 percent in 1 year, 25 percent in 2 years and remaining 10 percent during whole life of human being. Thus, adequate nutrition below the age of two really makes difference in terms of physical and mental development. Drawing attention of all people to 1st 1000 days of human life and steering in indeed that investment in children not yet born and below 2 years is investment in future. The damage that might occur due to inadequate nutrition during this period is extensive and largely irreversible.
Program Area:
Dakchhinkali Municipality ward 13,14 and 15 (Chhaimale)
Targeted People:
Pregnant women, lactating mothers and mothers having under 2 years child (Golden 1000 days women and mothers) and adolescent girls.
Our Main Partners:
District Development Committee (DDC), Kathmandu under Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local Development.
The Golden 1000 days awareness program was conducted in coordination with government local bodies (Dakchinkali municipality, ward office Chhaimale, health post) in Chhaimale for 60 days. This short term program had directly benefited about 45 pregnant women, 133 lactating mothers and mothers having under 2 years child and 35 adolescent girls. During the program we provide all targeted benificaries information on ANC, PNC check up and care, exclusive breast feeding, immunization, family planning, does and don’t during 1000 days of women, child care and disease management, nutritious sarbottam pitho making, health and hygiene and proper feeding to ensure that a foetus is protected and insured from malnutrition and disease.
Why 1,000 Day’s?
The right nutrition during this 1,000 days window can have a profound impact on a child’s ability to grow, learn, and rise out of poverty. It can also shape a society’s long-term health, stability and prosperity. Today, under nutrition is still a leading cause of death of young children throughout the world. For infants and children under the age of two, the consequences of under nutrition are particularly severe, often irreversible, and reach far into the future. During pregnancy, under nutrition can have a devastating impact on the healthy growth and development of a child. Babies who are malnourished in the womb have a higher risk of dying in infancy and are more likely to face lifelong cognitive and physical deficits and chronic health problems. For children under the age of two, under nutrition can be life-threatening. It can weaken a child’s immune system and make him or her more susceptible to dying from common illnesses such as pneumonia, diarrhea and malaria.
By focusing on improving nutrition for mothers and children in the 1,000 day window, we can help ensure a child can live a healthy and productive life. Investing in better nutrition in the 1,000 day window can also help families, communities and countries break the cycle of poverty.
Evidence shows that the right nutrition during the 1,000 day window can save more than one million lives each year; significantly reduce the human and economic burden of diseases such as tuberculosis, malaria and HIV/AIDS, reduce the risk for developing various non communicable diseases such as diabetes, and other chronic conditions later in life; and improve an individual’s educational achievement and earning potential. As a result, leading scientists, economists and health experts agree that improving nutrition during the critical 1,000 day window is one of the best investments we can make to achieve lasting progress in global health and development.